Сборник тестов и контрольных упражнений по английскому языку для студентов неязыковых вузов. Сборник тестов по английскому языку

Тесты по английскому языку онлайн для определения уровня знаний человека, удобны во многих отношениях. Во-первых, проходя тест на знание английского языка, можно точно сказать, знает человек или нет определенный материал, ведь дать ответ неточный, плохо сформулированный просто невозможно. Даже если человек, проходящий тест угадает правильный ответ раз, два раза, то систематически это просто невозможно, а значит проверить уровень знаний с помощью теста удобнее всего, при этом это не занимает много времени.

Тест по английскому онлайн – отличная возможность узнать уровень своих знаний. Однако и при прохождении тестов онлайн важно следовать определенным правилам, тогда тест будет пройден с максимальным уровнем успешности. Например, одним из основных правил является то, что если вы не поняли какой-то вопрос теста, не стоит на нем зацикливаться - проходите тест дальше и отвечайте на те вопросы, которые вы понимаете. Если вы не знаете правильный ответ на вопрос теста, тогда ищите правильный ответ методом от противного – откидывайте все ответы, в неверности которых вы уверены. Тогда вы быстрее найдете правильный ответ. Не думайте над ответом, вариант которого не предложен в тесте. Значит, вы думаете в неверном направлении. Эти простые правила помогут пройти тест эффективнее. Также не стоит отмечать ответы в тесте наугад. Этот метод не поможет пройти вам весь тест на хорошем уровне. Лучше пользоваться своими знаниями и логикой, пытаться отыскать правильный ответ из тех знаний, которыми вы обладаете.

Перечень тестов по английскому языку

Конечно, это не полный перечень тестов, есть целый сборник тестов по английскому языку. Однако наши тесты помогут вам определить ваш уровень знаний. При этом наши тесты ориентированы на определения знаний в тех областях английского языка, которые являются наиболее трудными в изучении, например, артикли, грамматика, лексика. Одним из самых популярных тестов является тест на времена, которых в английском языке очень много.

Как проходить тесты

Не стоит использовать подсказки при прохождении тестов. Даже если вы один раз обманите систему и пройдете тест с положительным результатом, это может неправильно повлиять на ваше дальнейшее обучение. Для прохождения теста по английского с целью определения уровня знаний, нужно исследовать именно ваши знания. Тогда в дальнейшем ваше обучение начнется с того уровня, на котором реально находятся ваши знания. И конечно, стоит отметить тот факт, что правильное прохождение теста без подсказок в будущем благотворно повлияет на улучшение ваших знаний по языку, ведь ваше обучение будет направлено на изучение пробелов в знаниях, по которым были допущены ошибки в тесте.

Наш сборник тестов по английскому онлайн может помочь оценить свои знания по английскому комплексно. Ведь для того чтобы оценить свои знания по английскому, нужно узнать уровень знаний по грамматике, по лексике, чтению, пониманию и так далее. Стоит отметить, что тесты по английскому - наиболее удобный способ оценивания знаний учеников, абитуриентов, студентов. Также тесты - удобный способ оценить свои знания и проблемы в знании языка, чтобы сформировать индивидуальную программу изучения английского языка.

Вариант 24

1. Выберите слово, близкое по значению: believe.
A) Reach.
B) See.
C) Suppose.
D) Advise.
E) Notice.
2. Дополните предложение:
… weather is fine and … sun is shining brightly today.
A) A | a
B) A | the
C) The | a
D) The | the
E) - | -
3. Поставьте глагол в предложении в Past Simple Tense.
He … glad to see his friends’ victory in a football game last week.
A) am.
B) is.
C) are.
D) were.
E) was.
4. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
There… a lot of bread on the table.
A) were
B) is
C) are
D) am
E) weren`t
5. Вставьте правильную форму глагола
Look out! That dog … bite you.
A) were going to
B) would
C) is going to
D) am going to
E) are going to
6. Выберите слово с ІІI типом слога
A) Same
B) Barn
C) Base
D) Close
E) Rose
7. Найдите прилагательное, имеющее отрицательное значение:
A) meaningful
B) hopeful
C) real
D) unthinkable
E) famous
8. Выберите верное местоимение:
He has the habit of talking to … .
A) myself
B) ourselves
C) yourself
D) himself
E) herself
9. Вставьте пропущенные местоимения:
… book is more interesting than … one.
A) this, that
B) these, this
C) that, that
D) this, those
E) this, these
10. Найдите правильное местоимение:
They believed … it was true.
A) Which.
B) Who.
C) That.
D) What.
E) Whose.
11. Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже
Do you know my…daughter?
A) Uncles’s
B) Uncle’s
C) Uncle
D) Uncles
E) Uncles’
12. Найдите правильный вариант перевода на русский язык:
It’s no use asking him about it.
A) Вы скоро привыкнете к этому.
B) Бесполезно его спрашивать об этом.
C) Раньше здесь был дом.
D) Я часто его встречал.
E) Он обычно приходил к нам.
13. Определите функцию герундия в следующем предложении:
The meeting was planned for discussing and creating.
A) обстоятельство цели
B) подлежащее
C) дополнение
D) сказуемое
E) определение
14. Выберите предложение с Participle I:
A) Going along the street I met Mary.
B) Our parents want to go to the theatre.
C) Nick likes going to the skating rink.
D) We have gone to Almaty.
E) Yesterday they went to the park.
15. “To go ahead” означает:
A) Двигаться вперед
B) Повышаться
C) Выходить
D) Сопровождать
E) Возвращаться
16. Найдите предложение с фразовым глаголом:
A) The sun shines in the sky.
B) They go to school in the morning.
C) There were many people in the street.
D) He was born in October.
E) Come in, please.
17. К теме "Travelling" относится слово:
A) Tree.
B) Snow.
C) Study.
D) Pupil.
E) Excursion.
18. Выберите неисчисляемое имя существительное:
A) River.
B) Weather.
C) Soldier.
D) Chair.
E) Doll.
19. Выберите глагол в форме Present Perfect Active:
A) Have does.
B) Have do.
C) Have done.
D) Have doing.
E) Have did.
20. Выберите правильно построенное предложение:
A) Aliya said that she would tries to come in time.
B) Aliya said that she shouldn’t try to come in time.
C) Aliya said that she would try to come in time.
D) Aliya said that she should try to come in time.
E) Aliya said that she should tries to come in time.
21. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге:
He often (to laugh) at.
A) Is laughed.
B) Were laughed.
C) Are laughed.
D) Have been laughed.
E) Am laughed.
22. Найдите эквивалент:
Ей следует приходить вовремя.
A) Can she come?
B) She is to come.
C) She should come in time.
D) She had to come in time.
E) She needn’t come.
23. Образуйте форму Perfect Infinitive от глагола "Tell":
A) To tell.
B) To be told.
C) To have tell.
D) To have told.
E) To have telling.
24. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос после текста:
A traveller who had been riding in rain and was wet through, arrived at a small hotel in the country. There was only one fireplace in the hall and a lot of people around it. The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm. He asked the hotel owner to give some fish to his horse. The hotel owner was surprised but the traveller insisted and the hotel owner did as he was asked. All the people rushed out to see the horse eat fish. The traveller had the fireplace all to himself and felt comfortable. When the hotel owner had returned he said, "I was sure horses do not eat fish". - "Then why did you give it to my horse?".
Why did the traveller ask the hotel owner to feed his horse with fish?
A) because he was tired
B) because he wanted to sleep
C) because he wanted to get warm
D) because he wanted to see the horse eat fish
E) because it was hungry
25. Дополните предложение:
They ... sausages at this shop.
A) cost
B) price
C) bring
D) department
E) sell
26. Выразите одним словом:
You send them to your relatives on holidays.
A) Sorrows.
B) Clouds.
C) Bags.
D) Postcards.
E) Children.
27. Образуйте новое слово от “real” c помощью следующих суффиксов.
A) Al.
B) Tion.
C) Ment.
D) Ic.
E) Ist.
28. Найдите правильный вариант глагола.
I think I … the report next Monday.
A) am not finishing
B) won’t finish
C) don’t finish
D) am not finished
E) haven’t finished
29. Найдите правильный вариант глагола.
Professor Asher … another lecture at the same time next week.
A) has been giving
B) gives
C) would give
D) has given
E) will be giving
30. Выберите подходящее слово.
From the earliest times the … of London depended upon its water-born trade.
A) part
B) circumstances
C) south
D) prosperity
E) north

Сборник тестов

по английскому языку

Сборник тестов по английскому языку подготовила

Алдабергенова А.С.

Сборник тестов по английскому языку. Тесты для 5-11 классах


C тр .

Тест 1. The Article (part 1) .…………...………………………………………. 5

Тест 2. The Article (part 2) ……………………………………………………. 6

Te ст 3. Глагол to be (part 1) ………………………………………………… .7

Te ст 4. Глагол to be (part 2) ………………………………….……………….. 8

Te ст 5. Глагол to be (part 3) …………………………………………………… 9

Te ст 6. Глагол to do (part 1) …………………………………………………... 10

Te ст 7. Глагол to do (part 2) ………………………………………………….. 11

Te ст 8. Глагол to have …………………………………………………………... 12

Тест 9. The Personal Pronouns …………………………………………………… 13

Тест 10. The Possesive Pronouns ………………………………….. ………………14

Te ст 11. The Plural …………………………………………………. ………………15

Te ст 12. The Possessive Case ………………………………. ……………………... 16

Te ст 13. The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives …………………………………17

Тест 14. There is / are, there was / were, there have / has been, there will be …… 18

Te ст 15. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense ………………….. 19

Te ст 16. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense ………………….. 20

Te ст 17. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense ……………………………. 21

Te ст 18. The Passive Voice (part 1) ………………………………………………….22

Te ст 19. The Passive Voice (part 2) ………………………………………………… 23

Тест 20. The Modal Verbs ……………………………………………………………. 24

Тест 21. The tag’s questions …………………………………………………………. 25

Тест 22. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense / The Past Perfect Tense …. 26

Тест 23. The Past Continuous / The Past Simple / The Past Perfect Tense ………. 27

Тест 24. The Gerund …………………………………………………………………… 28

Тест 25. The Infinitive …………………………………………………………………. 29

Тест 26. The Participle ……………………………………………………………….. 30

Тест 27. (part 1) …………………………………… 31

Тест 28. Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 2) …………………………………. 32

Тест 29. The Conditionals (part 1) ………………………………………………… 33

Тест 30. The Conditionals (part 2) ………………………………………………… 34

Тест 31. The Common Fractions ……………………………………………………. 35

Тест 32. The Decimal Fractions ……………………………………………………… 37

Тест 33. The Numerals …………………………………………………………………39

Тест 34. The Prepositions ………………………………………………………………41

Тест 1. The Article (part 1)

    …….. Russian company Avgit Founded a joint venture with the Latvian Spondo company.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

    In 1998 Nestle brought half of its products to ……. Russian market from abroad.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

    Twenty five specialists have already undergone training in ……. Germany.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

    ……… Russian – Iranian auto plant has started assembling pickups.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

    ……… Germans intend to invest 30 million in the project.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

    ………. River Elbe flows through the Czech Republic.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

    The nearest big city was ……. Riga.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

    In ……. Russia the 1-st McDonald`s restaurant appeared in 1990.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

9. Before the late 19 th century the white conquest of …….. West

was completed.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

10. ……. United States has rich and productive land.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

Тест 2. The Article (part 2)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа :

1. In ……. world there is no perfect economic system.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

2. Costs are …… money spent to manufacture goods or provide services.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

3. Land is ….. factor of production.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

4. In ……. planned economy, the government sets prices.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

5. Competition exists in ……. free market because anyone can be a producer.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

6. Many millions of ….. people enjoy a quality of life.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

7. People get loans from ….. banks for all sorts of reasons.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

8. He owns a lot of real estate in ……. Florida.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

9. I need …… wage rise of $1500 to keep up with inflation.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

10. She works in …… sales.

a) a (an) b) the c) –

Te ст 3. Глагол to be (part 1)

to be :

1. He ………… a financier soon.

a) am b) was c) will be

2. They ………… at work now.

a) am b) is c) are

3. The country ………. in a state of economic crisis last year.

a) is b) was c) are

4. These goods ……….. cheap.

a) am b) is c) are

5. The prices ……… rising now.

a) am b) is c) are

6. The contract ……….. signed last week.

a) were b) is c) was

7. They ………. to begin this work at once.

a) am b) is c) are

8. This letter ………. to confirm our recent telephone communication.

a) am b) is c) are

9. This hotel ……… very expensive.

a) am b) is c) are

    There ………. a lot of Institutes, Universities, libraries and museums in


a) am b) is c) are

Te ст 4. Глагол to be (part 2)

Выберите нужную форму глагола to be :

1. Monopoly ………. a market structure with only a single seller.

a) am b) is c) are

2. Successful marketers ……… open and flexible.

a) am b) is c) are

3. Marks & Spencer ………. the top brand in Britain in 1988.

a) were b) was c) is

4. Employment agencies ………. aimed at assisting you in finding a job.

a) am b) is c) are

5. As long as foreigners ……….. willing to hold American dollars, things remain stable.

a) am b) is c) are

6. All staff ……… to wear uniforms.

a) am b) is c) are

7. The customers ………… to wait here in this room until the sales manager return.

a) am b) is c) are

    ………. we to offer you the job, would you accept it ?

a) Were b) Was c) Have been

    If we …….. to succeed in this enterprise, we shall need to plan everything very carefully.

a) am b) is c) are

    The manager ……… in his office since 9 o’clock.

a) have been b) has been c) was

Тест № 5. Глагол to be (part 3)

Выберите нужную форму глагола to be :

    1. There ______ a telex on the table.

    1. There ______ much work last week.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

    1. There much mail on the desk?

Yes, there _____.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

    1. There ______ a conference next week.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

    1. There many accountants in your firm?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

    1. There _______ a good crop in Russia this year.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

    1. There a meeting at the enterprise yesterday?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

    1. There a telephone in your office?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

    1. There ______ few letters in the mail for you today.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

    1. There a store close to our Bank?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be

Te ст 6. Глагол to do (part 1)

Выберите нужную форму глагола to do :

1. She ……. most of her writing on a computer.

a) do b) does

2. Machines …….. most of work yesterday.

a) did b) have done

3. ..…….. you have a computer?

a) do b) does

4. He always ……… his job well.

a) do b) does

5. What ……. she want to do?

a) do b) does

6. ……. you speak English?

a) do b) does

7. The company ought …… something about the poor service.

a) to do b) do

8. She …….. economics at Sheffield some years ago.

a) did b) have done

9. She …… well out of the deal today.

a) have done b) has done

10. What ……… you do for a living ?

a) does b) do

Тест 7. Глагол to do (part 2)

Выберите правильный ответ:

    What ______ the manager do in the office in the afternoon?

а) do b ) does c ) –

    How often _____ Harry meet customers?

а) do b ) does c ) –

    How much ______ your computer cost?

а) do b ) does c ) –

    What _____ Nokia make?

а) do b ) does c ) –

    Where _____ you work?

а) do b ) does c ) –

    How long ______ he want to stay in his job?

а) do b ) does c ) –

    They earn enough?

а) do b ) does c ) –

    What time _____ the secretary finish work?

а) do b ) does c ) –

    Who _______ borrows and lends money?

а) do b ) does c ) –

    You often read such advertisements?

а) do b ) does c ) –

Te ст 8. Глагол to have

Выберите нужную форму глагола to have :

    She ……. a day-off every week.

a) have b) has

2. I …… a good job last year.

a) have b) had

3. They ………. orders next week.

a) will have b) have

4. Recently we ………… the acknowledgement of debt.

a) have received b) had received

5. Inflation …….. got out of control.

a) has b) have

6. Do you ……. to travel on business?

a) has b) have

7. He ……. to get up early.

a) has b) have

8. I ……… a holiday last year.

a) haven’t b) didn’t have

9. The decision ……… to be made by senior management.

a) has b) have

10. This system software ………… to be very reliable.

a) has proved b) have prove

Тест № 9. The Personal Pronouns

Выберите правильный вариант ответа, заменяя выделенные слова личными местоимениями:

1. Adam Smith is often called the Father of Modern Economics.

a) it b) they c) he

2. Economists like to make theories.

a) they b) she c) he

3. The government puts higher taxes on petrol.

a) you b) it c) they

4.In some parts of Africa the traditional economy still exists.

a) it b) he c) you

5. People consume almost everything they produce.

a) he b) it c) they

6. Aristotle did not use the word economics.

a) it b) you c) he

    In the traditional economy men are hunters & farmers.

a) I b) they c) he

    Microeconomics looks at how the details of the economy work.

a) it b) you c) they

9. Some shops won`t accept credit cards.

a) they b) it c) we

10. Inflation can happen for a number of reasons.

a) they b) it c) you

Тест № 10. The Possesive Pronouns

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

    The north-east of England was famous for ……… shipbuilding industry.

a) his b) its c) her

2. A man can leave …………… job and look for another one that suits him.

a) his b) your c) her

3. Some farm workers get most of …….. work in summer.

a) its b) their c) her

4. She explain how she had lost ………………job.

a) my b) your c) her

5. A nation’s wealth depended on …………….. owning precious metals.

a) its b) my c) their

6. Merchants were people who made …………… money through the buying and

selling goods.

a) his b) your c) their

7. When you have collected the evidence, you are ready to test ……….. theory.

a) ----- b) your c) its

8. Each good has ………… own utility value for the consumer.

a) their b) its c) my

9. The price of goods is not always the same as ……….. real cost.

a) their b) its c) my

10.Consumers want satisfaction from …………………….. resources (time and


a) her b) its c) their

Te ст 11. The Plural

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. The tourist office has ……….. about hotel accommodation.

a) information b) informations

2. No news ………….. good news.

a) is b) are

3. Money ………….. the world go round.

a) make b) makes

4. Economics ………… my favourite subject at the Institute.

a) is b) are

5. What ………… the government going to do about the problem of homelessness.

a) is b) are

6.There ………….. $ 30 in my wallet, but now it’s gone.

a) was b) were

7. How much …………… jeans?

a) is this b) are these

8. Have …………… arrived yet?

a) businessmen b) a businessman

9. Many students get …………… at colleges and universities.

a) knowledge b) knowledges

10. Cash …………. money in the form of banknotes and coins.

a) are b) is

Te ст 12. The Possessive Case

Выберите нужную форму существительного:

1. In a planned economy, ………….. wages depend on the service they provide to


a) workers’ b) workers

2. ………….. salary mostly depends on the demand for his or her work.

a) Someone b) Someone’s

3. Consumers can buy a ………….. goods or services.

a) company’s b) company

4. Utility is the ……………….. word for the satisfaction we get from a purchase.

a) economists b) economists’

5. The cost of the good, the …………… income can affect the utility of a good.

a) consumer b) consumer’s

6. The demand is the ………….. need for labour.

a) employers’ b) employers

7. The …………………… financial plans are embodied in its annual budget.

a) government b) government’s

8. He had a ………….. holiday last summer.

a) month’s b) month

9.The ……….. cargo consisted of wheat and barley.

a) Neva’s b) Neva

10. My elder brother ……….. son is a top manager.

a) Peter b) Peter’s

Te ст 13. The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

    The US has a ……… domestic market than Portugal.

a) bigger b) more big

    If one company has a much ………. share than any other, it can affect price.

a) the largest b) larger

    There are companies which need a lot of money to set up but much ……..

money to run.

a) little b) less

    An increase in demand can make a company push its prices even ………

than necessary.

a) higher b) the highest

5. Adam Smith is one of …… economists.

a) great b) the greatest

6. A house is one of the ……… things that people buy.

a) more expensive b) most expensive

7. China and India are now making ………. Contributions to global growth.

a) the largest b) larger

8. From 2004 to the present world growth has been ……… than at any

time since the early 1970s.

a) more rapid b) rapider

9. Unfortunately, ……….. volatility does not rule out occasional recessions.

a) more low b) lower

10. Output stabilization in developing countries was ………. .

a) more gradual b) gradualer

Тест 14. There is /are, there was /were, there have/has been, there will be

Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:

    There ……….. five people in my family.

a) are b) is

    ………. there much mail on the desk ?

a) are b) is

    There ………… no contracts on the desk.

a) are b) is

    There …………… much new equipment at the plant.

a) are b) is

    There ………… a big rise in the cost of living.

a) has been b) have been

    …………… there a flight to Paris this evening?

a) are b) is

7. There ………… nobody in the office.

a) are b) is

8. There ………….. a lot of people in the shops.

a) were b) was

9. The manager of the company is leaving, so there ……….. a new manager soon.

a) will be b) is

    There ………… 5, 000 employees in our company.

a) are b) is

Te ст 15. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense

1. Our manager …………. in the office all day.

    stay b) stays c) is staying

2. As a rule I ………… customers in the evening.

a) meet b) meets c) am meeting

3. We usually ………… … our work at 6.

a) finishes b) finish c) are finishing

4. He often ………… to London.

a) go b) goes c) is going

5. They ………….. customers in different cities.

    have got b) has got c) are having

6. We don’t ………. out at weekends.

    goes b) go c) are going

7. After lunch the secretary …………. letters to different companies.

    write b) is writing c) writes

8. I ……….. my chief tomorrow.

a) meet b) am meeting c) meets

9. My boss ……………. with your enquiry now but you won’t get a rapid answer.

a) is dealing b) deals c) deal

10. The office ………… at 6 p.m. on weekdays.

a) is closing b) closes c) close

Te ст 16. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом или в настоящем продолженном времени:

1. I sometimes …………… at home because I have a computer.

a) work b) works c) am working

2. He usually ………….. financial control over these projects.

a) take b) takes c) is taking

3. Now he ……………… in Libya on a fixed-term contract.

a) is working b) works c) work

4. I ……………. . Can you tell Rosemary I’ll see her tomorrow?

a) am leaving b) leave c) leaves

5. His company ……………… profit every year but it isn’t very big.

a) is making b) make c) makes

6.Nowadays consumers in the industrialized world ……………….. increasingly

concerned with healthy living.

a) are becoming b) becomes c) become

7. It’s not an expensive hotel. It ……………….. much to stay there.

a) doesn’t cost b) don’t cost c) isn’t costing

8. She’s got a new job so she ………………….the firm in October.

a) is leaving b) leaves c) leave

9. Our company …………………. in high quality coffee.

a) is specializing b) specializes c) specialize

10. ‘Can I speak to John?’ – ‘Sorry, he’s out. No, hold on, he ………………… down

the corridor’.

a) come b) comes c) is coming

Te ст 17. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в простом прошедшем или в настоящем

совершенном времени :

1. I …………. three business lunches this week.

a) had b) have had

2. The company"s share prices ……………. at the end of last week.

a) bounced b) has bounced

3. The company …………….. for a 5% increase in sales last month.

a) budgeted b) has budgeted

4. The shares …………….. a high rate of interest some days ago.

a) yielded b) has yielded

5. It ………………. a pleasure to do business with you today.

a) was b) has been

6. Last year she …………………. her own company and proved to be a very good


a) set up b) has set up

7. I ……………… writing the three-year business plan yet.

a) didn"t finish b) haven"t finished

8. I …………… a successful business trip last month.

a) had b) have had

9. I …………. some gas shares recently.

a) bought b) have bought

10. Many years ago she …………….. a slide rule to add up the sales figures.

a) used b) has used

Te ст 18. The Passive Voice

    Payment ……………. yesterday.

a) is received b) was received c) received

2. The company’s annual accounts …………….. by the Chief Accountant.

a) is prepared b) are prepared c) prepare

3. The agent ……………. by the company last week.

a) was accredited b) were accredited c) accredited

4. The accumulated profit ……………… forward to next year today.

a) has been carried b) have been carried c) was carried

5. Our budget …………………… already.

a) have been cut b) has been cut c) were cut

6. Efforts ……………….. to reduce the prices by 10% now.

a) are being made b) were being made c) is being made

    Nowadays all the clients of the bank ……………… for a financial advisory


a) are provided b) were provided c) provided

8. The shares …………….. on the American Stock Exchange next week.

a) will be floated b) were floated c) is being floated

9. Soon the financial results ……………………. at the annual general meeting.

a) will be announced b) will announce c) announce

10. The shipment may ………………. .

a) be delayed b) was delayed c) were delayed

Te ст 19. The Passive Voice (part 2)

Выберите нужную форму глагола в пассивном залоге:

1. Equipment, tools and computers …………… in the manufacturing process.

a) is used b) are used c) used

2. Land, labour and capital ……………….. to produce goods.

a) are required b) is required c) required

3. A free market ……………………………… by a government.

a) is not controlled b) are not controlled c) not controlled

4. The US steel industry …………………… by imports of subsidized steel.

a) were being injured b) was being injured c) injured

5. The goods ………………………….. locally.

a) are made and sold b) was made and sold c) is made and sold

6. The money ……………… in an account in Hamburg.

a) are lodged b) were lodged c) was lodged

7. All the prices in this shop ………………… down by 10 %.

a) have been marked b) has been marked c) marked

8. The price of petrol …………………… by market forces.

a) are influenced b) is influenced c) influenced

9. The product ………………………… throughout Europe.

a) is being marketed b) are being marketed c) marketed

10. The market – place …. always ………….. on Saturdays.

a) is … crowded b) were … crowded c) are … crowded

Тест 20. The Modal Verbs

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав соответствующий модальный глагол:

1. You ____ send your resume to several companies.

a) can b) need c) have

2. You ____ not start your job search without a resume.

a) can b) must c) have

3. He ____ to get up early.

a) has b) must c) can

4.Do you _____ to travel on business?

a) can b) must c) have

5.This phenomenon ____ be explained by economic laws.

a) should b) need c) have to

6.The company had gone bankrupt and _____ pay its creditors.

a) couldn’t b) hadn’t c) shouldn’t

7. You ____ phoned me yesterday.

a) should have b) may c) might

8. Our sales ____ exceed our forecast by 15%.

a) should b) may c) must

9. They ____ deliver on time.

a) can b) had c) have

10. ____ I take a comment at this point?

a) Am b) May c) Must

Тест 21. The tag’s questions

Выберите нужную форму глагола:

1. Не is a company manager, ….. he ?

a) is b) isn’t c) are

2.You have got a nice flat in Moscow, ……. you?

    have b) has c) haven’t

3. She finishes her work at 6, ……. she?

a) does b) is c) doesn’t

4.The manager stays in the office till 6, ……. he?

a) does b) doesn’t c) is

5. We don’t have lessons in the morning, …… we?

a) do b) don’t c) does

6.The director meets customers in the morning, …… he?

a) do b) does c) doesn’t

7. Brighton is a large city, …… it?

a) isn’t b) is c) aren’t

    A credit has been wrongly entered in the books, ……… it?

a) hadn’t b) hasn’t c) haven’t

9. Prices fell as a result of excess supply, ……. they?

a) did b) didn’t c) don’t

10. He has to work hard to provide his family, ………. he?

a) do b) don’t c) doesn’t

Тест 22. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense / The Past Perfect Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом , настоящем совершенном или в прошедшем совершенном времени.

1. He phoned to say he ……… his bag on the plane.

    forgot b) had left c) has left d) has forgotten

2. He ………. the farm since 1987.

    has owned b) own c) have been owning d) owned

3. ..… you ever been to Scotland?

a) has b) had c) have d) did

4. ..………. they arrive at the airport on time yesterday?

a) have b) did c) has d) do

5. He ………. unemployed since he left college.

a) has been b) were c) had been d) is

6. Where ………… before you moved to America?

a) you did live b) you lived c) did you live d) lived you

7. Last year inflation was tremendous, and the prices … .

    raised b) arise c) rise d) rose

8. Last week our manager ………….. to get a new job.

a) leave b) left c) leaves d) has left

9. Ann …………….. to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned.

a) goes b) has gone c) went d) has gone

10. Last year the company ……………. a good profit.

    makes b) made c) have made d) did

Тест 23. The Past Continuous / The Past Simple / The Past Perfect Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в одном из вышеперечисленных времен:

  1. He … on the report all day long.

  1. was working b) worked c) were working

    I … the office when he arrived.

  1. was leaving b) left c) leaves

    We … about safety procedures when the fire alarm went off.

  1. were talking b) talked c) talk

    The production line … five times yesterday.

  1. stopped b) was stopping c) stops

    She … letters when I came.

a) wrote b) was writing c) has written

    He … to the director at 3 yesterday.

  1. spoke b) was speaking c) speaks

    Our fax number … today.

  1. has changed b) changed c) changes

    We … just ….. our prices.

  1. has lowered b) have lowered c) were lowering

    The government … a decrease in corporation tax yesterday.

  1. has announced b) was announcing c) announced

    He … vice-president for 10 years.

  1. has been b) was being c) have been

Тест 24. The Gerund

Заполнитепропускивпредложениях, выбравнужнуюформуглагола:

  1. .….. is the process of buying a security for less than its face value.

    discounted b) discounting c) discounts

    We discussed ………. a new business.

    open b) opening c) opened

    He risks ………. all of his money.

    lost b) lose c) losing

    I heard of the experiment ………. last month.

a) having been started b) started c) start

    The increase in government ………. will have some effect on the rate of interest.

    spend b) spent c) spending

    That would entail our ………. a concession.

    making b) to make c) made

    This will save our ………… time.

    wasting b) waste c) to waste

    They have suggested his ………… to the symposium.

a) go b) to go c) going

    He’s looking forward to our … ……… .

    to come b) coming c) come

    We have succeeded.in …….. a new competitive market.

a) entering b) to enter c) enter

Тест 25. The Infinitive

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав нужную форму инфинитива:

  1. ………… our employers to develop their skills is one of the prime concerns of management.

a) to recruit b) to inform c) to encourage

    …………. this market requiers a lot of hard work.

a) to enter b) to inform c) to lose

    We have decided not to advertise this position, but ………… internally.

a) to encourage b) to recruit c) to inform

    I am glad …………. you that you have been successful.

a) to inform b) to accept c) to encourage

    It is impossible for us ………… these terms.

a) to have found b) to accept c) to work out

    We would like ……….. our overdraft facilities.

a) to extend b) to buy c) to have found

    The sales director claimed ………… three new customers.

a) to recruit b) to have found c) to find

8. They made us ……….. extremely hard.

a) to work b) work c) to have worked

9. Central banks of different countries are expected ……….. away from monetary


a) to stay b) stay c) to have stayed

10. The world economy is predicted …………. growing.

a) to have continued b) to continue c) continue

Тест 26. The Participle

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав причастие настоящего или прошедшего времени:

1. All transactions are to be ____________ in the general journal.

  1. recording b) recorded

2.There is an ____________ number of private investors.

  1. increasing b) increased

3. Staff are ________ to work flexitime.

  1. allowing b) allowed

4. John was _________ to join the family firm.

a) inviting b) invited

5. She works in an ____________ agency.

a) advertising b) advertised

6. Most of the products are __________ to developing countries.

a) exporting b) exported

7. Accrued income is a total sum of money __________ by the company during a

particular period.

a) earning b) earned

8. The goods were ___________ in the shop window.

a) displaying b) displayed

9. All ___________ machines are cut-price for one week only.

a) washing b) washed

10. ___________ conditions improved last year.

a) Trading b) Traded

Тест 27. Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 1)

Вставьте одно из следующих слов в пропуски :

1. As the field survey shows, very ………….. customers find the design of our goods


a) little b) few c) much

2. We managed to capture ………… contracts last month.

a) little b) much c) many

3. We have …….. time at our disposal. We must make a decision right away.

a) little b) much c) many

4. There is very …….. data available about market trends in this region.

a) a few b) little c) many

5. We spent too …….. time on routine meetings.

a) much b) a few c) many

6. ‘ Are there any seats on the next flight to Madrid?’ ‘ Yes, there are ……. .’

a) little b) many c) much

7. I am beginning to get …….. worried about the situation.

a) a little b) few c) many

8. We need ……. more time to think about your proposal.

a) a little b) many c) a few

9. ……….. insurance companies protect their customers against risk.

a) A little b) Many c) Much

10. It takes one ……… money to join a credit union.

a) a few b) many c) much

Тест 28. Many, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 2)

Вставьте одно из следующих слов в пропуски:

1. Starting a business without financial support from the bank may cause you ……….trouble.

a) a few b) many c) much

2. Banks are subjects to ……..government regulations.

a) little b) many c) much

3. Only …… major customers can keep up with the rise of the service prices.

a) a few b) many c) much

4. Very ……… financial institutions nowadays keep off technical innovations in the

banking industry.

a) a few b) few c) much

5. You can’t do without ……. cash on hand when you go to a retailer shop.

6. Banks are now using computer technology to perform …….. financial transactions.

a) little b) many c) much

7. No matter how …….. money you have you can open a bank account.

a) few b) many c) much

8. There are too ……..students in our group.

a) a few b) much c) many

9. Do you have ……… homework to do ?

a) few b) many c) much

10. I need …… help. Could you help me with the translation ?

a) a little b) many c) little

Тест 29. The Conditionals (part 1)

1. If you read this book,

2. If you elect me,

3. If a firm doesn’t advertise,

4. If people are flexible and keen to work hard,

5. If you have an offshore bank account,

6. If inflation is high,

7. If I had a lot of money,

8. If the management styles hadn’t been so different,

9. If you had worked harder last year,

10. If I were you,

a) we can employ them.

b) you’ll get the best financial advice.

c) people tend not to save.

d) the merger could have succeeded.

e) you would know English well now.

f) you don’t pay income tax.

    I’ll bring about changes in the social welfare system.

h) it loses market share.

i) I would give money to charity.

j) I would open my own business.

Тест 30. The Conditionals (part 2)

Составьте предложения, соединив первую часть каждого предложения со второй:

1. If different Russian Parliament fractions agreed with each other,

2. If customs are reduced,

3. If IMF grants the next loan to Russia,

4. If the August crisis hadn’t happened,

5. Customers wish

6. Russia would live much better

7. If received credits had been used according to appointment,

8. If a firm doesn’t advertise,

9. If my computer is infected with a virus,

10. If you pay people peanuts,

  1. total amount of reciepts to the budget would be higher.

  2. the budget would be accepted without any delay.

c) its part could be used for repayment of the IMF’s debts.

d) if it developed according to laws but not wishes of some people.

e) the most Russian banks would have paid to their depositors.

f) they didn’t have to get goods of low quality.

    it would have been possible to avoid strikes.

    I’ll call a computer expert.

i) you get monkeys.

j) it loses market share.

Тест 31. The Common Fractions

Выберите правильный ответ:

1. a (one) half

a ) 1/4 (одна четвертая)

b ) 7/8 (семь восьмых)

c ) ½ (одна вторая)

2. one and a half


b ) 1 7/8 (одна целая семь восьмых)

c ) 1 ½ (одна целая одна вторая)

3. a ( one ) quarter

a ) 1 1/7 (одна целая одна седьмая)

b ) 1/5 (одна пятая)

c ) 1/4 (одна четвертая)

4. two and a half

a ) 2 1/2 (две целых одна вторая)

b ) 3 1/2 (три целых одна вторая)

c ) 2 1/7 (две целых одна седьмая)

5. a (one) third

a ) 3/4 (три четвертых)

b ) 1/3 (одна третья)

c ) ½ (одна вторая)

6. a (one) fifth

a) 1/6( одна шестая )

b ) 3/5 (три пятых)

c ) 1/5 (одна пятая)

    1. five sixths

a ) 1/4 (одна четвертая)

b ) 5/6 (пять шестых)

c ) ½ (одна вторая)

    1. two thirds

a ) 2/3 (две третьих)

b ) 1/6 (одна шестая)

c ) 1/3 (одна третья)

9. five and one sixth

a ) 5 ½ (пять целых одна вторая)

b ) 5 1/6 (пять целых одна шестая)

c ) 6 1/5 (шесть целых одна пятая)

10. three fourths

a ) 1/8 (одна восьмая)

b ) 3/4 (три четвертых)

c ) 1/6 (одна шестая)

Тест 32. The Decimal Fractions

Выберите правильный ответ:

1. six point three

a ) 3,6 (три целых шесть десятых)

b ) 3,7 (три целых семь десятых)

c ) 6,3 (шесть целых три десятых)

2.seven four point zero two

a ) 74,02 (семьдесят четыре целых две сотых)

b ) 54,02 (пятьдесят четыре целых две сотых)

c ) 74,2 (семьдесят четыре целых две десятых)

3. two point five

a ) 2,05 (две целых пять сотых)

b ) 5,2 (пять целых две десятые)

c ) 2,5 (две целых пять десятых)

4. fifty nine point three


b ) 59,3 (пятьдесят девять целых три десятых)

c ) 5,9 (пять целых девять десятых)

5. zero (nought) point two

a ) 0,3 (ноль целых три десятых)

b ) 0,02 (ноль целых две сотых)

c ) 0,2 (ноль целых две десятых)

6. nought point four five

a ) 0,05 (ноль целых пять сотых)

b ) 0,45 (ноль целых сорок пять сотых)

c ) 0,04 (ноль целых четыре сотых)

7. four two (forty two) point three five

a ) 42,35 (сорок две целых тридцать пять сотых)

b ) 42,05 (сорок две целых пять сотых)

c ) 45,2 (сорок пять целых две десятых)

8. nought point nought one

a ) 0,1 (ноль целых одна десятая)

b ) 0,01 (ноль целых одна сотая)

c ) 0,001 (ноль целых одна тысячная)

9. one six point one nought four

a ) 16,04 (шестнадцать целых четыре сотых)

b ) 18,1 (восемнадцать целых одна десятая)

c ) 16,104 (шестнадцать целых сто четыре тысячных)

10. three point two five

a ) 3,25 (три целых двадцать пять сотых)

b ) 2,35 (три целых тридцать пять сотых)

c ) 5,3 (пять целых три десятых)

Тест 33. The Numerals

Выберите правильный вариант:

  1. twenty four + fifty-three

    1. eleven




    thirty-eight + forty-two

    1. eighty




    fifty + ten

    1. twenty-two




    thirteen + forty-one

    1. fifty-four




    seventy one + fifteen

    1. eighty-six




6. seventy - three

    1. seventeen




7. fifty-three + six

    1. forty




8. eighteen - seven

    1. twenty




9.ninety-four - forty-two

    1. eighty-five




10. sixty-eight - nineteen

  1. forty-eight

  2. twenty-five



Тест 34. The Prepositions

Выберите правильный ответ :

1.Our office hours are …. nine ….. six.

a) in …. in b) from …. till c) since …for

2. ….. the beginning of the 20th century, economic scientists have made important


a) for b) during c) since

3. Those promises were made the company …. 2003.

a) in b) at c) till

4. The firm has been discussing a possible $100 investment ….. more than a year.

a) at b) since c) for

5. Russia and Japan plan to increase cooperation in the energy sector …. 2008.

a) in b) on c) for

6. Sky Express has sold almost 3000 tickets ….. last week.

a) from b) since c) in

7. LUKoil will start operating four new gas stations …. a few weeks.

a) at b) in c) during

8. ….. that time the country’s population will be approximately 1,25 bl.

a) at b) for c) on

9. ….. the 1970s and ‘80s the city’s service sector grew in size.

a) on b) at c) during

10. ….… the mid-1980s several computer companies established major research


a) for b) buy c) at

02.09.2011 в 20:35 81 Кб doc 110 раза

Тесты на знание и употребление лексики английского языка

Choose the best answer.

1. He was so tired that he ... asleep in the chair.

A) fell

B) felt

C) went

D) became

E) lost

Правильный ответ: A

Перевод: Он так устал, что заснул в кресле.

Пояснение: fall (fell, fallen) asleep = засыпать fell asleep = заснул

2. Our company is a small organization with only a few ... .

A) employments

B) employers

C) employees

D) employs

E) employerers

Правильный ответ: C

Перевод: Наша компания - маленькая организация, имеющая всего несколько сотрудников.


employment - занятость

employer - работодатель

employee - сотрудник, работник

to employ - нанимать

слова employerer не существует

3. Before we start the lesson, I`d like to ... what we did yesterday.

A) run along

B) run through

C) run up

D) run into

E) run across

Правильный ответ: B

Перевод: Прежде чем мы начнем урок, я хочу быстренько повторить то, что мы изучили вчера.

Пояснение: run through - быстренько изучить, пробежаться

4. I`ll be with you in ... .

A) a quarter of one hour

B) one quarter of an hour

C) a quarter of an hour

D) a quater of hour

E) a quarter and a half

Правильный ответ: C

Перевод: Я присоединюсь к тебе через 15 минут (четверть часа).

Пояснение: A, B и С в принципе верны, но более устоявшееся -a quarter of an hour-.

5. ... experience of working in an office environment is essential for this job.

A) Earlier

B) Initial

C) First

D) Previous

E) Last

Правильный ответ: D

Перевод: Предыдущий опыт работы в офисе (офисном окружении) необходим для этой позиции.


Earlier = ранее

Initial = начальный

First = первый

Previous = предыдущий

Last = последний

6. The company has had a bad year and will therefore not be ... any new workers.

A) taking to

B) taking up

C) taking after

D) taking off

E) taking on

Правильный ответ: E

Перевод: У компании был не самый хороший год, поэтому они не будут набирать новых сотрудников.

Пояснение: take on = нанимать (to employ) сотрудников

7. The estate agent spent a ... deal of time trying to persuade me to buy the house.

A) large

B) big

C) wide

D) great

E) numerous

Правильный ответ: D

Перевод: Маклер (риэлтор) потратил много времени, пытаясь уговорить меня купить дом.

Пояснение: a great (good) deal of = много

8. The child woke up crying because she had ... a nightmare.

A) dreamt

B) sent

C) had

D) felt

E) saw

Правильный ответ: C

Перевод: Ребенок проснулся с криком, потому что ей приснился кошмар.

Пояснение: have a nightmare = видеть страшный сон

9. The shirt I wore that day was torn but I don`t think anyone ... .

A) watched

B) noticed

C) mentioned

D) remarked

E) learned

Правильный ответ: B

Перевод: Рубашка, в которую я был одет в тот день, была порвана, но, думаю, никто не заметил этого.

Пояснение: to notice = замечать, обращать внимание.

10. The organizers decided to go ahead with the match ... the bad weather.

A) although

B) despite

C) unless

D) inspite

E) in order

Правильный ответ: B

Перевод: Организаторы решили провести матч, несмотря на плохую погоду.


Although = хотя

despite = несмотря на

unless = если не, пока не

in order = по порядку

11. When I learned to ski, I practiced on a slope that was not too ... .

A) tall

B) rising

C) steep

D) high

E) slow

Правильный ответ: C

Перевод: Когда я учился кататься на лыжах, я тренировался на склоне, который был не очень крутым.


tall = высокий

rising = возрастающий, растущий

steep = крутой (склон, гора)

high = высокий

slow = медленный

12. The plane crashed into a bridge because it was flying too ... .

A) slow

B) deep

C) high

D) low

E) fast

Правильный ответ: D

Перевод: Самолет врезался в мост, потому что летел слишком низко.


slow = медленно

deep = глубоко

high = высоко

low = низко

fast = быстро

13. He kept his job ... the manager had threatened to dismiss him.

A) although

B) even

C) unless

D) despite

E) inspite

Правильный ответ: A

Перевод: Он удержался на работе, хотя менеджер пригрозил ему увольнением.


Although = хотя

even = даже

unless = если не, пока не

despite = несмотря на

слова inspite не существует (in spite)

14. In order to ... with his studies he worked through the summer.

A) catch up

B) take up

C) catch on

D) take on

E) take care of

Правильный ответ: A

Перевод: Чтобы нагнать одноклассников в учебе, он прозанимался все лето.

Пояснение: catch up with = догонять, нагонять

15. If you keep trying, you might ... to do it.

A) understand

B) manage

C) discover

D) succeed

E) catch

Правильный ответ: B

Перевод: Если продолжишь попытки, возможно, у тебя получится сделать это.


understand = понимать

manage = ухитриться, суметь сделать что-либо

discover = обнаружить

succeed in = достигать цели, преуспевать; иметь успех

catch = поймать

16. She has to work hard to keep the house ... and tidy with three small children.

A) neat

B) ordered

C) smooth

D) plain

E) well

Правильный ответ: A

Перевод: Ей приходится очень стараться (много трудиться), чтобы держать дом в чистоте и порядке, имея троих маленьких детей.


neat = аккуратный, опрятный, чистый

ordered = упорядоченный

smooth = гладкий

plain = простой

well = хорошо

17. He is a little bit ... in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say.

A) dead

B) diseased

C) deaf

D) disabled

E) bad

Правильный ответ: C

Перевод: Он немного глуховат на левое ухо, но если вы будете говорить отчетливо, он услышит то, что вы скажете.


dead = мертвый

diseased = заболевший

deaf = глухой

disabled = инвалид

bad = плохой

18. I`m not sure ... the green coat is.

A) whom

B) whose

C) who

D) who`s

E) which

Правильный ответ: B

Перевод: Я точно не знаю, чье зеленое пальто.


whom = кого

whose = чей

who = кто

who`s = сокр. от who is, who has

which = который

19. We expected him at eight, but he finally ... at midnight.

A) came off

B) turned up

C) turned off

D) turned on

E) found out

Правильный ответ: B

Перевод: Мы ждали его в восемь, а он, в конечном счете, заявился в полночь.

Пояснение: to turn up = появляться, обнаруживаться; (синоним) to arrive

20. If you have any ... concerning this report, please phone the Office.

A) wishes

B) requests

C) investigations

D) queries

E) sayings

Правильный ответ: D

Перевод: Если у вас есть вопросы по поводу этого отчета, пожалуйста, звоните в Управление.


wish = желание

request = просьба

investigation = расследование

query = вопрос

saying = выражение, высказывание

21. Write to me and tell me ... about your holiday in Switzerland.

A) much

B) every

C) all

D) some

E) few

Правильный ответ: C

Перевод: Напиши мне и расскажи все о своем отпуске в Швейцарии.


much = много

every = каждый

all =все

some = несколько

few = мало

22. She lives near me I often speak to her on my ... to work.

A) path

B) travel

C) street

D) road

E) way

Правильный ответ: E

Перевод: Она живет недалеко от меня и я часто разговариваю с ней по пути на работу.


path = тропинка

travel = поездка

street = улица

road = дорога

on the way = по пути

23. He`s intelligent but he ... common sense.

A) misses

B) lacks

C) fails

D) wants

E) needs

Правильный ответ: B

Перевод: Он смышленный, но ему не хватает здравого смысла.


miss = отсутствовать

lack = испытывать недостаток, не хватать

fail = провалить, потерпеть неудачу

want = хотеть

need = нуждаться

24. The hotel has been built on the ... of a lake.

A) edge

B) border

C) boundary

D) front

E) behind

Правильный ответ: A

Перевод: Гостиница построена на краю озера.


edge = край

border = граница

boundary = граница

front = перед

behind = сзади

25. The hall was very ... with over fifty people stuck into it.

A) empty

B) crowded

C) painted

D) decorated

E) designed

Правильный ответ: B

Перевод: В вестибюле толпилось более 50 человек.


empty = пустой

crowded = набитый битком, переполенный

painted = окрашенный

decorated = украшенный

designed = спроектированный

26. He house is in good ... though it needs to be repainted.

A) state

B) condition

C) position

D) standing

E) mood

Правильный ответ: B

Перевод: Дом находится в хорошем состоянии, хотя его нужно перекрасить (или заново покрасить).

Пояснение: in good condition = в хорошем состоянии, пригодный к эксплуатации

27. The Finance Minister will be making a ... today about new rates of income tax.

A) notice

B) talk

C) statement

D) declaration

E) decision

Правильный ответ: C

Перевод: Сегодня министр финансов будет делать заявление по поводу новых ставок налога на доходы.


make a statement = заявлять, выступать с заявлением

28. he colour of the sweater doesn`t ... so long as it is the right size.

A) match

B) worry

C) affect

D) concern

E) matter

Правильный ответ: E

Перевод: Цвет свитера не важен, если размер подходящий.


match = подходить, соответствовать
worry = беспокоиться
affect = влиять
concern = затрагивать, иметь отношение
matter = иметь значение, быть важным

29. We started early ... to miss the worst of the traffic.

A) in order

B) so that

C) in so far

D) so long as

E) in case

Правильный ответ: A

Перевод: Мы выдвинулись рано, чтобы не попасть в пробки на дорогах.

Пояснение: in order to = для того, чтобы

30. He sat there with his arms ... doing nothing waiting for us.

A) twisted

B) flapped

C) turned

D) folded

E) beyond

Правильный ответ: D

Перевод: Он сидел там, скрестив руки на груди, ничего не делал и ждал нас.

Пояснение: to fold one"s arms = скрестить руки на груди

31. It was a secret - you weren`t supposed to ... anyone anything.

A) tell

B) say

C) speak

D) talk

E) cheat

Правильный ответ: A

Перевод: Это был секрет - ты не должен был никому ничего говорить.


После слов say, speak, talk используется -to- (say to anyone и т.п.)
cheat = жульничать

32. Some people marry for ... and some for money.

A) to love

B) a love

C) love

D) the love

E) like

Правильный ответ: C

Перевод: Некоторые люди женятся по любви, некоторые из-за денег.

Пояснение: marry for love = жениться по любви

33. Look over there. Isn`t that the woman ... son you played tennis with the other day?

A) whose

B) who

C) which

D) of which

E) whom

Правильный ответ: A

Перевод: Посмотри туда. Не та ли это женщина, с чьим сыном ты играл в теннис на днях?

Пояснение: whose = чей, чья, чьё, чьи

34. I can`t stand her and I find that even ... her voice gets on my nerves.

A) the sound of

B) the sounds

C) a sound of

D) a sound from

E) her sound of

Правильный ответ: A

Перевод: Я терпеть ее не могу и даже звук ее голоса действует мне на нервы.

Пояснение: the sound of her voice = звук ее голоса

35. It`s hard to ... the difference between this forgery and the real painting.

A) talk

B) say

C) speak

D) tell

E) realise

Правильный ответ: D

Перевод: Трудно отличить эту подделку от настоящей картины.

Пояснение: to tell the difference = отличать (одну вещь от другой)

36. He said I hadn`t given him his book back, but I was ... sure I had.

A) totally

B) entirely

C) quite

D) rather

E) better

Правильный ответ: C

Перевод: Он сказал, что я не вернул ему его книгу, но я был совершенно уверен, что вернул.


quite sure = совершенно уверенный, хотя totally sure, на мой взгляд, тоже верно, но более распространено quite sure

37. If the radio isn`t working properly, you should ... to the shop. You`ve just bought it.

A) take it out

B) recieve it

C) bring it up

D) take it back

E) put it back

Правильный ответ: D

Перевод: Если радио не работает нормально, надо вернуть в магазин. Ты только что купил его.

Пояснение: take it back = отнести назад (вернуть)

2024 english-speak.ru. Изучение английского языка.